Friday, May 31, 2013

This past week we discussed a lot about dating. We defined that it becomes a date when it's paired off, paid for, and it's planned. We discussed how is this is similar to what a father does at the head of his family. The father provides, protects, and presides. These qualities a father has, of preside, protect, and provide to planned, paired off, and paid for. It's interesting how that connects or is just natural.

Conversations have come up multiple times, here at BYU Idaho, about how dating is such a hassle. How sometimes it can be exhausting to go out with someone and not really connect with them during the date. Many people I know have gone on many dates, and then become frustrated, because nothing seems to be working out. I wouldn't argue with that. It is frustrating at times. At times I think it's easier just to be single, because then you don't have to be worried about all the stress that comes when you're dating someone. However, a friend of mine told me something the other day, and she's married. She said, "You think you have everything, but you don't." She was referring to her marriage, and the joy that she has had with her family. Looking at my parents example of marriage I know they're happy, and   there couldn't be anything that could replace that happiness.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

This past week we discussed the differences and similarities that men and women both have. We discussed how some may think or believe that we influence our sons and daughters of who they should become. For example, we coax our sons to play more with action toys, cars, etc., and our girls to play with dolls, ponies, etc. We discussed what if we changed the toys we give our sons or daughters to play with? Could gender switch their roles each others inner qualities that boys and girls have?  What they found is it's not that simple. You will find that majority of the time that girls will still want to play with dolls and boys will still want to play with their action figures. It's not something we can influence, not to say that boys and girls wouldn't play with each others toys because it happens, but it's something majority of time that just comes natural to a boy or girl. We were each divinely created by an Almighty God, our Heavenly Father. He has created us differently, male and female, for us to engage in His eternal plan.

Friday, May 17, 2013

This week we focused a lot on the variety of different cultures and the part they play in the family unit. Much of the culture that was discussed was from the Hispanic culture, and the unique styles the Hispanic culture has. I had the opportunity to be surrounded by the Hispanic lifestyle while I was serving my mission. Some of the greatest, kindest people I know are the people I met on my mission. I never met people that were so giving and wanted to give you all they had, even when they had nothing. They are a very humble people. Not to say that there is a perfect culture/lifestyle out there. I think there are many cultures that have great qualities. I believe learning about cultures and finding the great characteristics they have and applying some of those aspects in our families can allow us to be more open-minded and have stronger family relationships. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

This week the topic of having a good relationship with you and your spouse affects the rest of the family unit with your children. This came up in my Family Relations class, and also in some of my other classes. It's amazing how much of having a strong, stable relationship with your spouse can greatly benefit your children. It's true though. The husband and wife do have a solemn responsibility to love and care for their children. When there are clear and established relationships with parents and then their children, the family is functional.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

            This past week in my Family Relations class we’ve been a lot about different scenarios in the family unit of what a family is. Something that has stuck out to me is how more and more the “traditional family” of having a husband/father and a mother/wife is seen less and less important. From discussing this in class, I’ve been reflecting more and more about the blessings I have received from having both a mother and father in the home. I am so lucky to have the parents I have. I have met people on my mission who have been abandoned by their parents, or they are missing a father, or mother in the home. Whether this occurred through divorce, teen pregnancy, a death of a parent, etc. this makes things difficult. However, if we take the family we do have and we love them, forgive them, abandon all our selfish desires to align our will with God’s will in protecting our family we will find steady healing.