Saturday, May 4, 2013

            This past week in my Family Relations class we’ve been a lot about different scenarios in the family unit of what a family is. Something that has stuck out to me is how more and more the “traditional family” of having a husband/father and a mother/wife is seen less and less important. From discussing this in class, I’ve been reflecting more and more about the blessings I have received from having both a mother and father in the home. I am so lucky to have the parents I have. I have met people on my mission who have been abandoned by their parents, or they are missing a father, or mother in the home. Whether this occurred through divorce, teen pregnancy, a death of a parent, etc. this makes things difficult. However, if we take the family we do have and we love them, forgive them, abandon all our selfish desires to align our will with God’s will in protecting our family we will find steady healing.

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